I admit I have been having trouble holding it together post the EU referendum result.
To sit by and have to watch the effects predicted take place is very hard for many. The Leave camp responded to presented facts, by persuading people they were lies, to not believe experts and that we are Great Britain, be optimistic it will work out.
However now they are happening, it is being reported as fact, the mistruth is clear, yet the damage is done. It is upsetting.
- It is upsetting to watch the pound fall, markets drop, summer holiday prices and eventually food go up. This is now being talked about as fact. Where was all this reporting 1 week ago?
- It is upsetting to have to read openly racist, bigotted and xenophobic comments being posted online. It insults educated and respectable figures (not to mention making my blood boil).
- It is upsetting to find out that a significant majority of those under 45, those that are the future of the country voted Remain, is heartbreaking. The young, the middle aged and the EU citizens who could not vote, are paying the pensions of the older group. Those that voted Leave have denied their children and grand children many of the very opportunities they had, a (somewhat selfish) slap in the face.
- It is upsetting to hear the leave campaign now admit some of their claims were false. Some clearly believed this stuff and yet now it is said untrue.
- It is upsetting to hear talk of Scottish independence the very next day. Hardly surprising for those in Scotland, however stunning that the leave group are surprised this would occur and the possibility of a UK breakup.
- It is upsetting to observe the panic and now subdued nature of the leave campaign. They clearly did not expect to win. The reality, there was no plan it appears, and now they need to solve for the mess they have created.
- It is upsetting to hear EU officials talk of hardline negotiations and limited concessions. The arrogance of some vs our true place in the world is becoming clear. Our bargaining power is now limited.
- It is upsetting to hear of EU nationals, who have been here for many years, paying UK taxes and being pro-UK now not feeling welcome in the country, being in tears as they drop their kids off at school and worrying about the uncertain prospects for their future.
And lastly
- It is very upsetting to hear about Leave voters, being surprised and concerned on the result. Saying ‘we never expected to win’, ‘it was a protest vote’, or ‘I didn’t expect this to happen’. This was not the vote to ‘send a message’, it was the real deal.
I will calm down, and probably need to stop posting, however I do not want to return to the pre-EU world of the 1970’s. Something needs to be done to fix this.