Lockdown week 2: End of the first week in lockdown

The UK has been in ‘official’ lock down this week due to Coronavirus. As with all new experiences you learn new things about yourself, the people and processes around you…. especially early on. Here are my observations from the first week.

  1. Something flips in your brain once lockdown is official… nothing, in reality, changed day to day, but I now have this burning need to go out
  2. Video calls are not that bad… they work quite well really…
  3. Beards are quickly returning to fashion as shaving ones face for the office stops!
  4. Working at home is more productive… although harder to give out signals that you are busy
  5. With the whole family at home all day, everyday… wow does the house needs cleaning more
  6. Okay I am saving on coffees, but still amazed at how much we all actually eat across a week
  7. Biscuits, Biscuits (cookies), there is are never enough biscuits, should have bought more..
  8. I actually got nostalgic about doing my expenses…. remembering the old days at the start of the month!
  9. Teachers do an amazing job…
  10. … as do post office staff, delivery workers, supermarkets, refuse collectors and of course all those in the medical profession… thank you
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