Everything is starting to get strange, even, dare I say, a little normal. Evening sports activities have now started again and so have been out and about, albeit as the evening taxi service.
This new ‘normality’ is resulting in a couple of challenges, ones I have not had to contend with for a while. Significantly the huge increase in snacking opportunities.
Even just filling the car, is to run the gauntlet of wall to wall treat temptation (I won’t even mention proximity to the golden arches and fast food)! The M6 services is going to be a culture shock… maybe one or two treats, for training purposes only, is needed beforehand?
Workwise, a similar experience, but in reverse. We are all on video calls every day and it’s now commonplace to talk to people across the country and sometimes across the world.
But this week, imagine my shock, I had to drop something off locally… actually in real life. It was all very weird going from ‘how is the weather in the middle east’ to ‘not great weather in Milton Keynes’! Still some positive signs.
Finally, we need to spare a thought for India and countries nearby. This whole pandemic has been a tragedy. Helping each other out helps humanity. We need to support where we can and keep everyone there in our thoughts.